My Lifestyle
Introducing the Sensible Fitness Program (SFP)
Welcome to the world of SFP!
This page provides a simple overview of the Program, highlighting its key elements, and linking to 3 valuable resources, the:
Quick-Start Guide,
SFP Book.
Pressed for time? Overwhelmed?
Intimidated by complex fitness plans?
That’s exactly the busy middle-aged professional’s predicament—and who the Sensible Fitness Program is meant for.
This page showcases the very plan I follow to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle—even with a packed schedule.
SFP is therefore the lifestyle that offers the best possible long-term commonsense solution for us busy middle-aged pros.
Most importantly:
​I am able to vouch for SFP first-hand—because I live by its principles every single day.
Let's start with a quick look at the Program in terms of numbers.

SFP: An Overview
The Program overview consists of 7 points, a short conclusion + 3 Resource Options.
​​1. The Goal
Transform into a fitter, healthier version of yourself without sacrificing life’s joys or your busy schedule.
Achieve functional fitness.
Build a body to be proud of while maintaining work-life balance.
2. The Program Design at a Glance
Time Commitment: Under 2 hours per week for workouts.
Workout Breakdown:
— Strength Training: 3 sessions weekly (7–15 minutes per session).
— Cardio Training: 3 sessions weekly (17–45 minutes based on intensity).
​Nutrition: No dieting—only real food with flexible options.
3. The Weekly Workout Plan
A balanced weekly schedule designed for optimal fitness and recovery.
4. Strength-Training Intensity
3 levels, depending on whether you’re an absolute beginner, or have some or more experience:
Beginner: 12-15 reps per set.
Intermediate: 10-15 reps per set.
Advanced: 8-12 reps per set.
5. Steady Progress
With consistent efforts, you will see results within 1-3 months.​
Variable exercise types and intensity levels are used for both strength-training and cardio. This sensible approach ensures steady progress, a sustainable and effective fitness journey, and better overall fitness.
It also helps reduce the risk of injury, and helps you maintain long-term motivation.
6. A Simple Nutrition Framework
I follow the 80-20 Rule: 80% wholesome meals, 20% my favorite indulgences.
Although there are other options (depending on individual goals), my go-to macro proportions are:
Protein: 33%
Carbs: 33%
Fats: 33%
For sake of ease, I use my hands as portion guides for meals:
Fist: Veggies/Salad/Fruit
Palm: Protein and carbs
Thumb: Fats
7. The Top Essentials for Success
Commit in writing: For accountability, a self-contract is imperative.
Stay consistent: Probably the most important component of any endeavor.
Track your progress: For micro-adjustments, and to keep you motivated.
Don’t demonize “unhealthy” or pleasure foods: Use moderation instead.
Conclusion: Why SFP Is The Best Solution
Because it’s practical and highly efficient—which also makes it far easier to sustain than conventional programs. I should know—I share similar challenges. Like yours, my life is also extremely busy. All. The. Time.
Any conventional plan would negatively impact other essential areas of my life, potentially eroding my natural “will” to be consistent.
As a workaround, the only feasible way to success, health, and fulfilment over the long term—is via an intelligent, practical, and commonsense approach.
When combining these aspects, the term “sensible” is self-evident. I’ve always thought of this adjective as the most suitable term for distinguishing SFP from average run-of-the-mill fitness strategies.
By Simple Comparison
When you examine the comparison above, it becomes clear that most health and fitness resources fall short. They fail to account for the realities of busy schedules or the uniqueness of individual genetics. Worse yet, they often capitalize on our lack of knowledge and craving for novelty, pushing flashy, overhyped “quick fixes” that offer little real value. As a result, many of us remain trapped in a cycle of indecision and stagnation.​
It’s no wonder that less than 5% of the world’s population enjoys truly good health. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Make the decision today to rise above the noise, reject fleeting trends, and claim the sustainable health and vitality that most can only dream of.
The Top Reasons for Following SFP
Practical: Workouts are short, efficient, and designed to fit into even the busiest schedule—delivering maximum results with minimal time investment.
Enjoyable: Nutrition is flexible, satisfying, and based on real, enjoyable food. No restrictive “dieting” or deprivation here.
Connected: SFP promotes a healthy, engaged lifestyle that enriches your relationships and social life, without isolation or guilt.
With these three pillars in mind, ask yourself: As a busy middle-aged pro who’s short on time and know-how, can you imagine a better fitness solution?
Okay, Where To Next?
I’ve got 3 excellent resources, depending on where you are in your fitness journey:
You’re stuck—feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or unsure where or how to begin.
You want the basics—ready to start right away with a simple guide to kick off your journey.
You’re ready to commit—seeking a comprehensive understanding of SFP’s principles, exercises, and meal plans before starting.
Below are descriptions of the resources and access links to each one. (If you’re on a mobile or tablet, simply swipe across the images.)
Option 1: Stuck Between Stress and Inaction?
Why You’re Stuck and What To Do About It: From Zero to Transformation-Ready in 4 Simple Steps!
This guide is your starting point if you feel stuck and overwhelmed. By working through its insights, you’ll:
Gain clarity on where you stand and what’s holding you back.
Identify the tangible first steps to overcome stress and start your transformation journey with this practical Quick-Start Guide and Roadmap.
If you’re eager to break free and see the door to change open, then grab this free Guide now!
Option 2: Ready to Begin Your Journey Today?
Mini-Guide to Sustainable Fitness with SFP
This no-fluff resource gives you the essentials of the Sensible Fitness Program:
A simple breakdown of exercises, nutrition, and principles.
A plan to achieve comprehensive results through efficient, targeted efforts.
Perfect for busy middle-aged pros who want to get started immediately, this Guide sets you on the path to fitness without delay.
If this is you, then this Mini-Guide is yours—get it and begin transforming your lifestyle today.
Option 3: Committed to Mastering SFP?
The Book: A Complete Guide to Sustainable Fitness for Middle-Aged Pros
Take a deep dive into the full Sensible Fitness Program with this comprehensive resource. If you’re ready to commit, here’s what the book offers:
Highly-efficient workouts: Less than 2 hours per week for 5-6 sessions.
Enjoyable, sustainable nutrition: No “dieting”—just real food.
A proven plan for busy professionals to achieve long-term wellness and prosperity.
With detailed exercises, meal plans, and principles, this book is your ultimate solution for achieving sustainable fitness.
Order the SFP book today—and begin creating the superior lifestyle you’ve been striving for.

How To Get Unstuck
This is your starting point if you feel stuck and overwhelmed.
Working through the insights, you’ll gain clarity on where you stand and what’s holding you back. Identify the tangible first steps to overcome stress and start your transformation journey.
If you’re eager to break free and see the door to change open, this is the Guide for you.

Begin Your Journey Today!
​A no-fluff resource with all the essentials of the Sensible Fitness Program.
A simple breakdown of exercises, nutrition, and principles as a roadmap to achieve comprehensive results through efficient, targeted efforts.
Perfect for the busy middle-aged pro who' wants to get started immediately, this Guide sets you on the path to fitness without delay.

Committed to Mastering SFP?
SFP, The Book. A Complete Guide to Sustainable Fitness for Middle-Aged Pros.
Dive into the full Sensible Fitness Program. With detailed exercises, meals, and principles, this is your ultimate solution for achieving sustainable fitness.
A proven plan for busy pros to attain long-term wellness and prosperity. Start creating the superior lifestyle you’ve been chasing.